Registration for 2024-2025 Lifelong Faith Formation is now open! Please register by September 8th at the latest. Take note there is a schedule for Berlin - Gorham and a schedule Colebrook - W. Stewartstown - Errol.
11:00 am -Sunday, September 15th, Introduction and book pick up -St Albert Hall after 10 am Mass
11:00 am - Sunday, October 27th
11:00 am - Sunday, November 24th
11:00 am - Sunday, December 15th
11:00 am - Sunday, January 5th
11:00 am - Sunday, February 16th
11:00 am - Sunday, March 16th
11:00 am - Sunday, April 6th,
* First Confession for Students in Second Grade or Above
11:00 am - Sunday, May 4th - Communion and Confirmation Rehearsal (St Anne Church, Berlin)
*6:00 pm - Wednesday, May 7th - "Tentative" Mass of Confirmation and First Communion (St Anne Church, Berlin)
Catechesis Sunday: These are the Sundays listed on the schedule. Sessions on those dates are at 4pm (unless otherwise noted) and are attended by parents along with their children age PreK-12th grade. We are only planning eight monthly in person sessions with assignments, activities, and family prayers to be offered at home between sessions.
Spiritual activities and/or Liturgical Events: Throughout the year there will be a number of liturgical events or other activities to incorporate into your life of faith together at home.
Catechesis Sunday: There will be ONLY 8 in-person sessions once a month from September to April. Parents and youth are expected to attend the Sunday 10:00 am Mass at St Brendon Church (or another parish Mass time, regularly). and stay for faith formation in the lower church hall after the 10:00 am Mass. As this is family faith formation a parent or grandparent is to attend the 8 sessions with the child and ensure the light take home reading is accomplished each month. There are only 8 in-person class sessions, so I ask that you mark your calendars and make these dates a priority.
Spiritual activities and/or Liturgical Events: Throughout the year our families are invited to be active in parish events, outreach, and liturgical celebrations.
Please review the full schedule for each parish of sessions for the entire year. Please use this schedule to mark your calendars as a matter of priority over and above anything that may come up later.
Infrequent Mass attendance, lack of incorporation of the Faith, and unexcused absences (sports, etc.) directly impact our disposition to faithfully receive Sacraments and thus may necessitate additional time of preparation in order to be properly disposed for the reception of Sacraments.
Choose Jesus Christ and let it be known. Never underestimate the power of your own testimony to the Gospel, the value of your insights as an individual and as a family, nor the significance of what you bring to the table as part of this community, “…not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another…” (Heb. 10:25)