This ministry was established as the parish's primary source of outreach for those in need. The foundation of our outreach is based on the Corporal Works of Mercy and the life of St. Marie Rivier to provide diverse acts of charity beyond perishable and non-perishable goods. Marie Rivier and the sisters had a broad mission to feed the hungry, serve as catechists, council the suffering and promote Catholic parochial schools. Though our outreach offers assistance in a variety of ways we do have a physical location for the distribution of food and basic supplies.
Location: 153 Grafton St, Berlin NH 03570
Open Hours: Tuesdays & Fridays 1:00-2:00pm
Volunteers needed for shopping, stocking, desk intake, bagging, etc!
Contact the parish office
Mission Statement
The Marie Rivier Pantry & Ministries is an outreach of Good Shepherd and Holy Family Parishes. The Gospel calls us to love our brothers and sisters most in need, indiscriminately, by serving them through the Corporal Works of Mercy. Through this ministry, our Pastor, and those helping him, can collaborate with individuals and families to discern what their needs are. Our ministry includes but is not limited to, providing food, clothing, personal hygiene items, and aiding person with minor expenses "in any need."