Mass Intentions
It is an ancient and noble practice to pray for the living and the dead at Mass. The greatest and most powerful prayer we have is the Mass, since the fruits of the Mass are the very fruits of Jesus' redemption made present to us. Therefore, so many of us seek to book a Mass intention for our loved ones. In our parish there are many requests for scheduling Mass intentions.
Canon Law requires that only one intention be taken per Mass. However, for the past twenty-one years our parish has been taking multiple intentions per Mass; a temporary practice put in place to help fulfill the many intentions from multiple parish communities merging into two parishes (as the merger resulted in fewer Masses at which to book an intention)--a practice I inherited and ultimately have the responsibility to guide toward the norm of canon law. Twenty-One years is a long time for “temporary permission” to remain in effect. In this current year there were weekday Masses with one intention requested and surprisingly there
were weekday Masses with no intention requested. You may not have noticed because I filled the openings with an intention in various ways to promote the common good. This has been an indication to me that now may be a natural time in the life of our parish to observe the norms of canon law, which is expected of every parish. The following policies are now being implemented in order to accommodate the numerous Mass requests in a reasonable and fair manner.
In order to give the opportunity for all parishioners to schedule a Mass intention for their loved ones and to accommodate recently deceased individuals, one weekend and one weekday per deceased may be requested. Please call the office at 603-752-2880 or email [email protected] to request a mass intention. We will accept Announced and Unannounced Mass Intentions. One Announced Intention will be taken per Public Mass, published in the bulletin and read out loud during the Universal Prayers (prayers of the faithful). Unannounced Intentions may be requested which are not said at a public Mass. These intentions will be offered privately and published as a list in the bulletin periodically as “Fulfilled Unannounced Masses”.
Guidelines for Mass Intentions