Have you ever been curious about what the Church teaches and what our faith is all about? Have you ever thought about becoming Catholic? Are you an adult Catholic who was never catechized, and are interested in taking the next step in your spiritual journey by completing your initiation?
The OCIA, Order of Christian Initiation for Adults, program is a great way to deepen your faith, learn more about the Bible and theology, and to enrich your personal relationship with Almighty God. In OCIA you can ask honest questions and receive honest answers in a spiritually rich, judgment-free space. We also adapt these courses for youth over the age of eight seeking Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Communion.
The program begins in the September and continues through the reception of the Sacraments of Initiation the following Easter.
If you are interested or have any questions, please call the office to speak with Fr Kyle 603-752-2880
There will be two classes a month for a total of 16 classes. Eight classes will be held on Tuesday Evening 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm. And Eight classes will held on Sunday in collaboration with our family Faith formation sessions.
Check out some of what is being talked about below: